4 Most Popular Arkansas Cities to Relocate in 2019

Arkansas is known for its forests, lakes, and mountains, but the state is also full of some bustling urban centers that sometimes go overlooked.

While the cost of living in larger cities is definitely on the rise, people often find that the density of cultures and amenities in larger cities tend to make up for the increase in expenses.

A great way to gauge popularity is to look at which cities are attracting the most relocation interest.

If more people want to move to a certain area, you have to assume something special is happening there.

Popular Arkansas Cities Relocated 2019

And we have just the data to figure out the most popular cities in Arkansas to move to.

Thousands of people use our moving estimate calculator every month to plan their relocations.

We analyzed our Arkansas move data from the past year to determine the 4 most popular cities with populations over 50,000.

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The Top 4 Arkansas Cities

  1. Springdale, AR
  2. Jonesboro, AR
  3. Fayetteville, AR
  4. Little Rock, AR

Population: 77,252

Population: 73,581

Jonesboro, Arkansas

Population: 81,889

Population: 197,780

Little Rock< Arkansas

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