The Story of moveBuddha

moveBuddha Founder Ryan Carrigan

moveBuddha Founder Ryan Carrigan (2012)

“You’re the sixth person to call me in the last five minutes.”

“Are you kidding me!?!”

“If I get one more call I’m going to…”

In the summer of 2011, I was a relocation consultant.

Every day I’d look at thousands of leads streaming in from searchers on the Internet requesting moving quotes. Hunched over my computer, I’d quickly punch in their phone numbers and try to be the first to call.

If I didn’t call the customer immediately, I’d typically be greeted with an unfriendly response like the ones quoted above.

Why does moving make people angry?

The Internet is a confusing place when it comes to moving information. Scattered across hundreds of sites you’ll find seemingly harmless contact forms with the headlines “Get Moving Prices Now!”, “Moving Cost Calculator”, etc.

Most sites fail to mention, by submitting your email and phone number you are agreeing to be contacted by an unlimited number of moving companies and salespeople.

Some moving websites sell customer information so aggressively, if I was really late to call a lead I would get sent straight to voicemail, “If you’re a moving company, please stop calling.”

This isn’t how any industry should operate…

With so many moving companies competing over the same customers, moving salesmen make used car dealers look passive. Selling moving is a cutthroat game of ‘say anything’ to book the customer.

This isn’t how any industry should operate, especially one surrounding a life event as stressful as moving.

How did we get here? Blame the Internet

The majority of moving websites are not moving companies. In fact, most movers barely have a website, let alone a sophisticated web presence.

Many moving related websites are run by lead generation companies. Companies with a superior understanding of internet marketing, but no real knowledge in moving. Their focus is on generating as many leads as possible. That’s it.

It’s actually in the best interest of lead generation sites to be just helpful enough. If they provide you with too much information you may not feel the need to submit your phone number. Fewer leads mean less money.

This reverse incentive has created a sea of mostly useless and often purposefully confusing moving resources across the Internet.

Many a searcher has yelled fists clenched, “Why is this so hard?!”

moveBuddha is changing moving online

Believe it or not, I love moving. I’ve lived in 3 different cities and moved over ten times in the past 5 years.

Landing in a new city or neighborhood is exciting and invigorating. I love seeing new faces and finding that new coffee shop.

I hate to think the hassle of moving is deterring people from the excitement it can bring.

moveBuddha is about changing the way people find moving information and resources online. We’re about truly helping people navigate an industry held hostage by shady Internet companies.

moveBuddha is the salesman I always strived to be. An all-knowing source of knowledge untethered to any company or solution.

It’s time to experience relocation enlightenment.

Join us in our mission to change the way people find moving information online.

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