10 Most Popular Idaho Cities to Relocate in 2019

Living in larger cities is extremely appealing, and with Idaho’s cost of living being lower than the national average it’s easy to see why people are flocking to its urban centers.

Beyond Boise, Idaho has plenty of great cities that offer both amenities and access to the state’s national beauty that make living in and around them extremely appealing.

Popular Idaho Cities Relocate 2019

But which Idaho cities are attracting the most attention?

Luckily, we have just the data to figure out the most popular cities in Idaho to move to.

Thousands of people use our moving estimate calculator every month to plan their relocations.

We analyzed our Idaho move data from the past year to determine the 10 most popular cities with populations greater than 10,000.

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The Top 10 Idaho Cities

  1. Ammon, ID
  2. Post Falls, ID
  3. Jerome, ID
  4. Eagle, ID
  5. Twin Falls, ID
  6. Meridian, ID
  7. Lewiston, ID
  8. Rexburg, ID
  9. Idaho Falls, ID
  10. Coeur d’Alene, ID

Population: 14,998

9. Post Falls, ID

Population: 30,886

Post Falls, Idaho

Population: 11,306

Population: 23,708

Eagle, Idaho

Population: 47,340

Population: 91,917

Meridian, Idaho

Population: 32,482

Population: 27,369

Rexburg, Idaho

Population: 59,414

Population: 48,618

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

moveBuddha Popular Idaho Cities To Relocate 2019

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