Two Men and a Truck, Little Rock, AR (2025 Review)
Two Men and a Truck
4125 Crystal Hill Road,North Little Rock, AR 72118, US
- Local Moves
- Intrastate moves
- Interstate moves
- Full-service packing
- Labor-only help
- Senior moves
Company info
- Years in Business: 12
- DOT #: 2527384
- FMCSA Rating: None (Updated 2022-09-27)
- Number of trucks: 1
- Number of drivers: 1
- Miles Driven: 24,100 (2004)
- No deposit required
- Pay by credit card
- Ask for special discounts and offers
Note: If you're moving out of state, check out our list of the best long distance movers in Arkansas.
What customers had to say
Customer reviews are a great resource for finding the best moving companies. Consumer sites like Yelp and the Better Business Bureau allow you to gain insights into what it's like to work with a mover and help you avoid potential pitfalls or hidden fees.
That's why we factor customer feedback into our overall evaluation of moving companies. As part of our in-depth analysis of Two Men and a Truck, we also have compiled consumer ratings and hundreds of online reviews for you to browse below.
- Efficient service (37%)
- Professional and polite staff (33%)
- Careful handling (30%)
- Damage to items (37%)
- Lack of communication (30%)
- Unexpected charges (26%)
Cost to move with Two Men and a Truck
On averate, the cost to hire movers in Arkansas is $94 an hour.
You could pay more or less with Two Men and a Truck depending on the specific details of your move. For an estimate of your move costs you can use our Moving Cost Calculator.
Compare with other Little Rock-area movers
Moving out of Arkansas?
If you are moving from Little Rock, AR, to another state, finding a company that is well-versed in interstate relocations is key to having as stress-free an experience as possible.
The top interstate movers understand the particular logistics involved in out-of-state relocations and have the equipment and manpower to safely and efficiently move your belongings across state lines.
Cost to move out of Arkansas
If you're moving out of state, here are some sample moving quotes:
- Arkansas to California: $1,047 – $6,904
- Arkansas to New York: $810 – $6,529
- Arkansas to Illinois: $396 – $5,176
- Arkansas to New York: $810 – $6,529
- Arkansas to New York: $810 – $6,529
Is Two Men and a Truck properly licensed?
Before providing in-state household goods relocation services, Arkansas moving companies must be issued an Intrastate Authority Permit from the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department.
USDOT #: 2527384.
You can also use their state regulator website to look up their active status.
Does Two Men and a Truck have any additional locations outside of Little Rock?
The following list includes other Two Men and a Truck locations:
- Port St. Lucie
- Hurricane
- Freeport
- Corpus Christi
- Glendale
- Mesa
- Greensboro
- Reno
- Chattanooga
- North Aurora
- Phoenix
- Columbia
- Alexandria
- Durham
- South St Paul
- Bay City
- Akron
- Hopkins
- Missoula
- Meridian
- Mobile
- Fullerton
- Conway
- Austin
- Fort Worth
- Hagerstown
- Vero Beach
- Clarksville
- Peoria
- Spartanburg
- Daytona Beach
- Green Bay
- Las Cruces
- Elyria
- Bloomington
- Kalamazoo
- Davenport
- Pooler
- South Bend
- Wilmington
- Fletcher
- Gulfport
- Cedar Rapids
- Fort Walton Beach
- Salt Lake City
- Ocala
- Lake Charles
- Springfield
- Gainesville
- Pembroke Pines
- Temple
- Marysville
- Pensacola
- Springfield
- Crystal Lake
- Spring Hill
- Northport
- Cleveland
- Murfreesboro
- Panama City
- Eustis
- Hamilton Township
- Fraser
- Lady Lake
- Florence
- Norton Shores
- Lafayette
- Fredericksburg
- Gurnee
- Salem
- Fort Mill
- Atlanta
- Tucson
- Chicago
- Leesburg
- West Haven
- Dover
- Redding
- Vancouver
- Waterloo
- Kissimmee
- Auburn
- Arlington
- Detroit
- Melbourne
- Allentown
- New Castle
- Spring
- Schaumburg
- Fargo
- North Las Vegas
- Grand Rapids
- Sarasota
- Scottsdale
- Tallahassee
- Cary
- Baton Rouge
- Macon
- Columbia Falls
- Wichita
- Champaign
- Westbrook
- Atlanta
- Lakeland
- Kansas
- Joliet
- St. Louis
- Billings
- Topeka
- Omaha
- Manchester
- Oklahoma City
- South Burlington
- Tyler
- Warwick
- Pueblo
- Nunica
- Sioux Falls
- Newport News
- Boardman
- Thornton
- Virginia Beach
- Cheyenne
- Orlando
- Columbia
- San Diego
- Grand Junction
- Pittsburgh
- Livermore
- Thonotosassa
- Henrico
- Naples
- Bentonville
- Raleigh
- Urbandale
- Charlottesville
- Holland
- Santa Fe
- Mansfield
- Lincoln
- Moorestown
- Fort Wayne
- Toledo
- Fishers
- Columbus
- Rochester Hills
- McKinney
- Marietta
- Hamilton
- Sacramento
- Burnsville
- Duluth
- Tulsa
- Rochester
- Portsmouth
- Clearwater
- Spokane
- Findlay
- Overland Park
- New Berlin
- Augusta
- Dallas
- Oldsmar
- Valparaiso
- Mankato
- Tinley Park
- Plano
- Winston-Salem
- Elmsford
- Nashville
- Covington
- Wauwatosa
- Doral
- Madison
- Athens
- Memphis
- Louisville
- Lexington
- Lansing
- Lafayette
- Knoxville
- Ridgeland
- Jacksonville
- Indianapolis
- Huntsville
- Chico
- Bismarck
- Greenville
- Gainesville
- Jackson
- Hope Mills
- Fort Collins
- Flagstaff
- Waite Park
- Flint
- Evansville
- El Paso
- Golden
- Beavercreek Township
- Columbus
- Columbia
- Colorado Springs
- Cincinnati
- Wickliffe
- Danville
- Cheektowaga
- Meridian
- Baltimore
- Ann Arbor
- Albuquerque
- Hillsboro
- Brookline
- Norristown
- Las Vegas
- Myrtle Beach
- North Canton
Is Two Men and a Truck Associated with a van line?
Van lines are networks of local movers that operate separately but under the same umbrella of a multi-state organization. It's not as complicated as it sounds. Learn what van lines are.
Two Men and a Truck functions as an independent moving company. They are not affiliated with a van line company.
Should you negotiate with Little Rock movers?
While haggling over moving costs isn't typically effective, there are still ways to save. Many companies offer ongoing moving discounts for groups like seniors, military personnel, and students, as well as special offers for early-bird reservations.
Getting quotes from multiple companies will also allow you to inquire about price matching. Some movers will honor lower quotes from competitors, so it doesn’t hurt to ask — and be ready to show estimates from other companies.
How do I choose a Little Rock moving company?
To choose the best moving company for you, start by researching reputable movers in Phoenix. You'll want to be on the lookout for companies with mostly positive customer reviews, valid licenses, and comprehensive insurance to ensure your belongings are protected. Beyond that, you’ll want to make sure they can handle the type of move you need.
Ask for detailed moving quotes from at least three companies to compare services, pricing, and availability. A reliable Phoenix moving company will be one that offers transparent pricing, excellent communication, and a proven track record of successful moves.